A Thought On What Actually A Thought is!


I was thinking and got a thought “What is a thought actually ?’ “What actually thoughts are?” I started googling it and found around 25 different definitions literally and psychologically but none satisfied me so I wandered and wandered and thought and thought and finally decided to say that thought can be an idea, a perspective, an opinion, or a picture that our mind creates. What I feel is ‘thought” is the basic entity of life as the atom is the basic entity in the chemistry of life. 

A thought is actually a feel, a feel we get from the 5 senses. Thought is something that we get after sight, something we get after hearing, something that we get after smelling, and tasting, and something that we get after feeling or touching something.

Sometimes our thoughts are logical or sometimes they are emotional. A human can not be logical every time nor he can stay emotional all the time, which causes the fluctuation in the style of what we think which we name moods.

We are what our thoughts have made us, so take care of what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live, they travel far.

Our thoughts have a huge impact on our personality, our behavior, and the vibes we generate. As a wise man said: ‘If YOU REALIZED JUST HOW POWERFUL YOUR THOUGHTS ARE, YOU WOULD NEVER THINK A NEGATIVE THOUGHT.” 

Thoughts are always simple but it is we who make them scarier by overthinking them. We all are afraid of being alone or being bored, the core reason is that we are actually afraid of our thoughts. We feel suffocated when we overthink and make the worst-case possible scenario of a situation. And a wise man said, “Cages aren’t made of iron they are made of thoughts”. It’s our thoughts that bounds us, that limits us.

A person who knows the art of controlling thoughts is the one who wins in life. Your thoughts are in your control. How does a simple yet neutral thing like a thought go under the category of positive and negative? A thought is a neutral thing and everything in this world possesses both good and bad sides so does a simple and neutral thought. A thought comes and now it’s you who make it positive or negative and this is by choice. Although sometimes it is okay to feel negative and sometimes we can’t help ourselves from thinking negatively, the problem arises when you think all the time. As RU PAUL said: “ Negativity is basically laziness. It takes a lot of hard work to remain positive, but positivity always pays off.” Positivity is worth of all the hard work it takes.

Treat your negative thoughts with all the positivity you hold. 

It’s your thoughts that make you or break you. MATHMA GANDHI said:

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
your thoughts become your words,
 your words become your actions,
your actions become your habits,
your habits become your values,
your values become your destiny.

Give a thought to your thoughts, it really matters. 


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