Al-Khabeer: The All-Aware.
When do we start loving someone? When we got to know them, right? So we know that Allah is our creator but we don’t know him the way we should. We actually don’t know much about Allah. You may recite daily the 99 names of Allah or may have memorized them but we can never feel that special kind of affection for Allah until we know about him, until we know and understand all his attributes deeply. All of the 99 attributes of Allah are special and each has a special type of comfort but my most favorite attribute of Allah is AL-KHABEER: THE ALL ACQUAINTED, THE ALL AWARE.
Al-Khabeer, the knower of reality. How beautiful is it to know that someone is all aware, all aware of our good and bad and still loves us the most and that someone is not someone ordinary, He is the creator of you and me, the creator of this entire universe, the creator of this beautiful world. When we go somewhere, a beautiful place we get amazed and admired by the beauty of the nature of this world, and how beautifully Allah has created this world, he created creatures as small as the human eye can not see and as great as beyond our imagination, so think about it that, that creator knows about u, loves you and his love have no match with anything.
Al-Khabeer is the one who knows everything, everything that is hidden or exposed, and from whose knowledge nothing can escape. He knows the little most and innermost details of everything. Al-Khabeer is the one who knows the true reality of all that is created.
Allaah (Subhana wa Ta’ala) said in Surat al-An’am (6:73):
عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ وَهُوَ الْحَكِيمُ الْخَبِيرُ
“All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, He is the All-Wise, All-Aware (of all things).”
Every other individual these days is suffering from depression, and anxiety, and if not then everybody of us feels sad, grieved, worried, and depressed sometimes. One thing or a thought or a mindset that I found very heart-soothing is that He is Al-Khabeer, he created me, he knows everything, he is all aware so won’t he know about my problem, won’t he know about my sad, depressed, grieved heart? He definitely does and if he is aware of that I simply don’t have to worry about anything, He is my creator, and he will take care of it. The best thing we can do or the best decision we can take is to trust ALLAH, trust him in every situation. When you feel all the doors are closed, trust him and the actual trust is that when you trust when you see no way.
We can’t count how many trees exist in this world and on those uncountable trees there exist innumerable leaves even on a single tree, but He, the all-aware knows about every single movement of every single leaf. So won’t he know about yours and mine heart? He even knows about a little ant that is resting on the dark wood in the darkest of nights so won’t he know about you, so would he let you get wasted?
He is the one from whom not even a single atom is hidden. And Allah himself said in Surat al-Mulk (67:14):
أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ
“Should He not know what He created? And He is the Most Kind and Courteous (to His slaves) All-Aware (of everything).”
Isn’t it comforting enough to listen to this from your creator to soothe your anxious and worried heart?
We should learn to call Allah by his attributes. Allah loves it when we call him by his other names. When we feel restless calling him with his attribute “AL-KHABEER’ the all-aware, the one who knows, would definitely set your heart at ease. Let this beautiful and profound attribute of Allah comfort you in your hardships.
And a very profound and heart-soothing dua I read somewhere was:
O Allah, Al-Khabeer, we know that You are aware of all things. Guide us to the best inner and outer characteristics and aid us in our manners with others. Assist us in abiding by Your rules and make us aware of the reality of this world and how to strive best for Your Paradise, Ameen!
Allah is Al-Khabeer, the knower of everything and surely Allah knows the best.
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