DIY-Do It Yourself.

 “It takes half your life before you discover life is a DO-IT-YOURSELF project .” (NAPOLEON HILL.)

We came into this world alone, and we will go alone, so, in between this coming and going alone, we need to learn to live alone and do everything ourselves that we want others to do for us. Do it yourself what you expect others to do for you. When everyone leaves, the closest of all even, you only have yourself, you have to do everything by yourself, from gathering yourself up to taking care of your happiness yourself.

“You do it because making yourself proud is one of the best feelings in the world .”

One life-changing quote for me was: “ Expect nothing from people and you will be the happiest” This quote is so reality-based although it seems very easy but utmost difficult to do but once u know the art of nothing to expect and just give you will see yourself hitting a jackpot. Expect from your own self, push yourself, do everything for yourself, and give yourself the best. Although it seems very hard to do all by yourself it’s just hard and not impossible so you can do it.

And I always love the way how beautifully JOEL OSTEEN said: when nobody else celebrates you, celebrate yourself. when nobody else compliments you, compliment yourself . it’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.

Einstein once said: “ I am thankful to all those who said “NO” because of them, I did it myself .”


Doing something yourself is achieving something yourself or on your own, when nobody pushes you, push yourself.

when you have yourself, you have more than enough power to conquer the world. I don’t know why we crave attention, love, and care from others despite the fact we can give ourselves the best. The energy we spend on others to gain validation from them we should give all that energy to ourself and we will be no more in need of validation from others.


From little things to big things, you should know the act of doing it all by yourself. One thing to always keep in mind is that anything we want to get done we have to do it by ourselves and for ourselves.

Push yourself because nobody is going to do it for you.


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