The Key To Contentment.
We always search and strive for happiness but that is only a dopamine rush and not a lasting feeling. You may have experienced most of the times that you are happy and everything in life is okay but then you find yourself being sad over nothing, right? It is because we can’t stay happy always, we have to feel sad even if there is nothing to be worried about. Now the real thing is “THE CONTENTMENT” which is a lasting feeling and basically its contentment that our soul looks for always. Contentment is being happy and satisfied with what you already have. Thus, what I’ve discovered to be the secrets of contentment and setting your empty heart at ease are discussed below. Do what is in Your Capacity. You know what matters? What matters is actually doing what is in your capacity. How can you expect yourself to do something you aren’t capable of? And how come you expect yourself to do less than you are capable of and sitting guilt free? Let me tell you a story , a story which is not fabricat...