
The Key To Contentment.

We always search and strive for happiness but that is only a dopamine rush and not a lasting feeling. You may have experienced most of the times that you are happy and everything in life is okay but then you find yourself being sad over nothing, right? It is because we can’t stay happy always, we have to feel sad even if there is nothing to be worried about. Now the real thing is “THE CONTENTMENT” which is a lasting feeling and basically its contentment that our soul looks for always. Contentment is being happy and satisfied with what you already have. Thus, what I’ve discovered to be the secrets of contentment and setting your empty heart at ease are discussed below. Do what is in Your Capacity. You know what matters? What matters is actually doing what is in your capacity. How can you expect yourself to do something you aren’t capable of? And how come you expect yourself to do less than you are capable of and sitting guilt free? Let me tell you a story , a story which is not fabricat...

Ramadan-The Blessed month.

  Imagine you get a special offer from the world’s biggest and most successful bank that you can take anything from their special treasures but within the time limit of 10 minutes. Now what will you do? The bank on a count of three said your 10 minutes start now, now what you do is text and talk with your friends, scroll Instagram, and watch a movie. NO? You must be thinking, who fool would do this and not avail this opportunity? You will avail that offer without even wasting a second and make the most out of that 10 minutes, Right? So why? why do we waste our Ramadan? In fact that bank treasure is nothing in front of the treasures and blessings of Ramadan. We should try to utilize each second and make the most out of it. The importance of Ramadan and the fasting person is highlighted in the narration of Abu Huraira: Every (good) deed of the son of Adam would be multiplied, a good deed receiving a tenfold to seven hundredfold reward. Allah, the Exalted and Majestic, has said: With ...

Al-Khabeer: The All-Aware.

  When do we start loving someone? When we got to know them, right? So we know that Allah is our creator but we don’t know him the way we should. We actually don’t know much about Allah. You may recite daily the 99 names of Allah or may have memorized them but we can never feel that special kind of affection for Allah until we know about him, until we know and understand all his attributes deeply. All of the 99 attributes of Allah are special and each has a special type of comfort but my most favorite attribute of Allah is AL-KHABEER: THE ALL ACQUAINTED, THE ALL AWARE. Al-Khabeer, the knower of reality. How beautiful is it to know that someone is all aware, all aware of our good and bad and still loves us the most and that someone is not someone ordinary, He is the creator of you and me, the creator of this entire universe, the creator of this beautiful world. When we go somewhere, a beautiful place we get amazed and admired by the beauty of the nature of this world, and how beauti...

A Cure to your Sick Heart.

  In today’s world, every other person you meet is suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, the feeling of emptiness, and whatnot. The core reason for all these is a sick heart. We take care of how we look, and what we wear a lot, which is okay to think about but these are the secondary things to look upon. The thing we should ponder upon is are we doing right in life? Is my heart okay?  If my spectacles get broken I will definitely take them to the optics shop to get them repaired. WHY? Because that’s where it was created and only they know how to fix it. If a machine stops working we take it to the company where it was manufactured to get it fixed. WHY? Because they created it they know how to fix that. Then why don’t we take our broken and sick hearts to its creator to heal it, to fix it?  What we do is that we take our sick hearts to the people, which is the wrong address, and we try to find healing there, and then when we don’t find that we feel disappointed, we f...

A Thought On What Actually A Thought is!

  I was thinking and got a thought “What is a thought actually ?’ “What actually thoughts are?” I started googling it and found around 25 different definitions literally and psychologically but none satisfied me so I wandered and wandered and thought and thought and finally decided to say that thought can be an idea, a perspective, an opinion, or a picture that our mind creates. What I feel is ‘thought” is the basic entity of life as the atom is the basic entity in the chemistry of life.  A thought is actually a feel, a feel we get from the 5 senses. Thought is something that we get after sight, something we get after hearing, something that we get after smelling, and tasting, and something that we get after feeling or touching something. Sometimes our thoughts are logical or sometimes they are emotional. A human can not be logical every time nor he can stay emotional all the time, which causes the fluctuation in the style of what we think which we name moods. We are wha...

It's okay to be not okay sometimes.

  It was an early morning when her room was covered with deep darkness. The darkness was spread all around but a ray of light was coming out of the curtains of the window. She was sitting in her bed with a depressed heart covering her head with her arms around her knees. A havoc of thoughts is going through her mind. Her heart feels heavy, her tired eyes as if she hasn’t slept for ages and her body feels almost dead and sluggish. She is in the last stage of disappointment- the disappointment from life. She finally decided to take those pills and attempt suicide. She lifted her head and her eyes got stuck on the canvas which lies straight on the easel. Just a glance at this canvas takes her to dive deep into the ocean of memories. She got a flashback of the times when she used to paint and she was believed to be the happiest girl alive when everybody used to say “We can not believe that u can be sad ever” and “Your smile is the prettiest of all”. She remembers the time when she glow...

Save The Drop For Tomorrow

  An early morning of June 2075, when the world is dipped in silence, a blackout, and everything around, gives the message of grief. The winds were dancing when Grandpa was lying on the bed coughing his lungs out, badly wanting the whole ocean to drink to satisfy his thirst but praying for just a drop of water for his dry throat as his throat had been dried for ages. He called upon his worried 15-year-old grandson who was already thriving here and there for water and said: Ali, my dear, just give me a drop of water or I am going to die like…., the cough didn’t let him complete his sentence. Ali without saying anything ran to the tap as he was checking it for the first time but within an hour it was his 1000th check. He wished that a single drop may come out of it but he was wrong, it was dry but it was not as dry as their throats. He went out of the house in search of a drop of water. He came back after an hour and told his grandpa: “ There is no more water in the world. It’s THE ...